Created by John 5 years ago
We met Frances at Lindors Methodist Holiday Home in 1982. It was the start of a wonderful friendship. We admired how she raised 4 children single handedly after her husband David had died at a very early age.
Frances came to stay with us at Keighley, (she loved the Yorkshire Dales with a passion) and we visited her at Canterbury and latterly at Manningtree. She and her family were always positive and cheerful. We saw Rosamond, Stephen, Adrian and Juliette mature into adulthood, benefitting from the careful and enabling nurturing Frances had given them
Frances was a rock solid Christian who through good times and bad was a faithful and committed member of the Methodist Church, taking part in its many activities. We are sure that Manningtree Methodist Church will miss her support and enthusiasm.
She was blessed with many talents from woodworking to playing as a violinist in the Canterbury orchestra for 25 years. She was a very beautiful looking woman, but she was always unassuming and modest about her achievements and never boastful or pushy.
Her friendship over the years helped us to deal with family tragedy- always supportive and kind but not in a sloppy, “everything will turn out to be fine,” sort of way.
With Frances passing on we are conscious of our loss but grateful for being blessed with knowing her.
John and Patricia Cope